You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2008.

Calling all bibliophiles and lovers of learning! Trevin Wax at Kingdom People is generously giving away a stack of books for Christmas! Here’s the list:  

1. THE REASON FOR GOD – Tim Keller
2. CULTURE MAKING – Andy Crouch
4. WHY WE’RE NOT EMERGENT – Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck
5. HOW PEOPLE CHANGE – Timothy Lane & Paul David Tripp
6. THE BIG PICTURE STORY BIBLE –David Helm & Gail Schoonmaker
7. JESUS MADE IN AMERICA – Stephen Nichols
8. RESIDENT ALIENS – Stanley Hauerwas & Will Willimon
9. WORSHIP MATTERS – Bob Kauflin
10. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT THROUGH THE CENTURIES – Jeffrey Greenman, Timothy Larsen, and Stephen Spencer

The winner will be chosen on December 25. So, stop over at Kingdom People and get your name in the drawing! 

h/t  sunestauromai

UPDATE: Winner here.

Lots happening in the Windy City. Blago isn’t the brightest bulb on the tree, but I gotta give him props for his chutzpah. The Democratic Party, the Chicago machine, and the MSM are throwing him under the bus and he’s fighting back. Until Monday? And poor Rahm is stuck in the middle. Boo-hoo. 

He is, after all, a Chicago politician. What’d you all expect–Hope and Change??? Joke’s on you. 

h/t Hot Air

Do they wonder why? Here’s a hint: Try a different front page subject matter other than The One and tell your newspaper deliverers to avoid knocking over your patron’s pumpkins.  

Newsflash: Not everyone in the Chicago area voted for BO. You are a newspaper not a propaganda machine. I loved doing the daily crossword puzzle, but couldn’t stand another day of the “All Obama, All the Time” format and downgraded to Sunday only. Here’s their thanks:

Tribune Pumpkin Mess


Tribune Pumpkin Mess - 2

Having lived a good portion of my life in northwest Minnesota and being part Norwegian, this list made me laugh. For all you like-minded people, here is a little something to make you chuckle. Enjoy.

1. Der’s only one God, ya know. 

2. Don’t make that fish on your mantle an idol.

3. Cussing ain’t Minnesota nice.

4. Go to church even when you’re up north or at the lakes. 

5. Honor your folks. 

6. Don’t kill. Catch and release.

7. There is only one Lena for every Ole. No cheatin’. 

8. If it ain’t your lutefisk, don’t take it. 

9. Don’t be braggin’ about how much ya shoveled.

10. Keep your mind off your neighbor’s hotdish. 

The originals. For visual learners.

Nobody says it better than Red Eye–the funniest, straight-talking (ha! no pun intended.) show on cable.


h/t Gateway Pundit

Michael Medved

The obvious question is “Why?” Why is Medved lecturing Rush and other “conservative” talk radio hosts on the content of their show and their approach? 

I listen to Michael Medved regularly and subscribe to his podcasts, mainly for his member exclusive commentaries. For the most part, I enjoy his show. He respectfully engages people who disagree with him on political issues (which I like) and he has interesting topics and guests. He is highly intelligent, almost to a fault. At times, he comes across as condescending and snooty, borderline elite. (He often reminds his audience of his educational pedigree and going to Yale with Hillary and Bill Clinton). He is a liberal turned conservative. I think his living in Seattle, a bastion of far-left liberalism, colors his perspective (think Stockholm Syndrome). 

Rush Limbaugh

Medved was the only conservative who supported and embraced John McCain for the Presidency from the beginning of the ’08 campaign. This is telling as his support for McCain discloses his moderate Republican leanings. Reading Medved’s recent editorial and listening to his subsequent commentary on his radio show exposes the fact that Medved doesn’t actually listen to Rush. If he did, he wouldn’t make the suggestions and statements about Rush that he does. But everyone knows that mentioning Limbaugh’s name gets media attention, which is why Medved does so. If Medved and Rush have ideological differences, then so be it. But Medved wants to redefine Conservatism with moderate principles and that puts him at odds with Rush. In my opinion, that is one of the chief reasons Medved takes aim at Rush, as well as Medved wanting to generate some traction for his position.  


h/t Hot Air

Farm Scene Cow Tax 

Environmentalist wackos intend to inflict their ideology on the world, whether we agree with them or not.

 This is just insane.

Yeah, right. The more “news” that spews forth from the O Camp and Democrats in general, the more I see a class system ala Imperial Rome. The politicians are the elites, the aristocracy, the ruling class. We are the plebs, the common people, the masses or hoi polloi

The list is long and will grow, but let’s look at two examples from today’s news that demonstrate this great divide. 

Case in Point #1:



 Caroline Kennedy is interested in replacing Hillary Clinton in her soon-to-be-vacant NY Senate seat. What political experience does Caroline Kennedy have other than being an attorney, an author, serving on various Boards, and some stump speeches for other candidates? None.

 BUT her last name is Kennedy.

Case in Point #2:

MCBH - Kailua Side

The Obamas will be vacationing in upscale Kailua on the island of Oahu for Christmas. Having lived on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay for two and a half years, which is a stone’s throw from Kailua, I am quite familiar with the area. Dumps in Kailua cost $750k. Anything in that area along Kailua beach is pricey, like millions pricey. To be sure, it is one of the most beautiful places on the earth. Kailua is on the windward side. Because it receives more rain than the leeward side of Honolulu, the lush beauty and the majestic Ko’olau mountain range are awe-inspiring. When it rains, spontaneous waterfalls cascade the mountains. It really is something to behold.

Kailua is the quintessential beach town–laid back and slow. Obama’s vacation digs will be relaxing and serene. He will be vacationing like a king. Somehow, I can’t imagine the locals being happy about the traffic jams he will cause since there are only a couple of main streets. Hopefully he won’t go anywhere or the locals will be stuck going nowhere fast. 

Hey, if Obama wants to vacation in one of the most expensive places in our country, knock yourself out! My problem is this: drop the class warfare rhetoric and stop pretending that you’re one of the common people. Common people don’t live in million dollar houses, complain about the price of arugula at Whole Foods, send their kids to an elementary school that costs $28k+ per year, or vacation in multi-million dollar beachfront homes in Hawaii no less. That isn’t common people livin’, but living like a king.  

An interesting tidbit to his getaway vacation spot: from his beachfront view and across the lagoon, he’ll see the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, home of the awesome Marines (one of the five military branches stationed on the islands). The above picture is one I took while living there. It’s a typical view from the Kailua side of MCBH, with the multi-million dollar oceanfront “civilian” properties of Kailua across the water in front of the Ko’olau mountains.

Come to think of it, I wonder if he’ll stop and visit the Marines since it is literally right around the corner. Doubt it. Not that the Marines care. They’re too busy defending freedom and keeping us all safe.

An endless supply of sexism today! Oh joy. This time courtesy of MesS-NBC. ***CONTENT WARNING***

Let’s hope the producer will get help for his obvious inability to handle stress and latent misogyny

(thanks to commenter joannathemaid)


Jon Favreau, Obama speechwriter

Classy guy that Jon Favreau, newly appointed director of speech writing for Obama. The following picture of Favreau groping Hillary and his fellow “Obama Staff” buddy, seemingly giddy giving “Hillary” some beer, surfaced briefly on his Facebook. As Obama’s main speechwriter, does Favreau think posting this picture on Facebook will somehow go unnoticed? Yeah, riiiiight.

Feast your eyes on the “Grope and Change“: 

Jon Favreau, Loser


How long do you think it’ll be before the “immensely talented” wordsmith is checking the Classifieds? Any guesses? Answer: He gets a pardon! At least that is the Washington Post’s position. Moral equivalency makes all things justifiable.

Favreau is not the first campaign aide whose online presence has proved awkward. Last March, John McCain aide Soren Dayton forwarded an anti-Obama YouTube video to his private Twitter feed linking Obama with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, leading to his suspension from the campaign. And in 2007, two bloggers hired by former North Carolina senator John Edwards stepped down after blog posts they had written before he hired them became a subject of controversy.

Imagine the crime of posting an anti-Obama link to *gasp* Obama and Rev. Wright! From a McCain staffer no less!!! That’s another story.

December 2008
