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Jim Calhoun defended himself against the interrogation of a political activist “journalist” in a post-game press conference last week. This presser was typical: it takes place following a basketball game in which sport’s journalists ask the Coach and certain players questions regarding the game.

So this jerk sneaks into the press-conference and then hijacks it with a non-basketball related question about Calhoun’s high salary in economic hard times, and he does so in an offensive and combative manner. Calhoun attempts to redirect the “journalist” by asking him, “What was your take tonight?” Psuedo-journalist: “I don’t know.” Then he continues with his scheme.

This guy clearly had an agenda. The other journalists reprimanded him on the spot, yet this “journalist” continued with his interrogation, until Calhoun gathered himself and basically told him off in G-rated language. 

Now, Connecticut lawmakers want to reprimand Calhoun!

Un. freaking. believable.

Here’s the confrontation. 

Are you serious? They want to reprimand Calhoun?!?

First, did the lawmakers request privately to Calhoun their concern over his behavior? There was no mention of it in the article, so I’m assuming “no.” Perhaps, they’re looking for “15 minutes” of face time and decided to reprimand Calhoun publicly? There are better ways to handle this situation than for these two lawmakers to air publicly their grievances over Calhoun’s response to the “reporter.”

Secondly, are there no pressing problems in Connecticut for these lawmakers other than to quip about Calhoun’s personal defense from this “reporter’s” sinister agenda? 

As a Duke fan, I do not like UConn nor will Calhoun ever be in my Top 5. I can put aside my allegiances and will defend Calhoun in this situation. This is just government gone mad.

Get out of our lives and stop telling us how to act, think, speak, spend, and live!

I Want Your Money


Do you ever wonder what you’d do if you won the lottery? Well, I think the Democrats are manifesting their fantasies with the “Stimulus” Bill, which is really a facade for PORK geared to stimulate bigger government and left-wing interest groups.

In order to stop the madness of our representative, elected officials, please participate in the political process and voice your concerns with OPERATION MELT THE PHONES.

Call the offices of your elected representatives TODAY and share your thoughts.

and so Dee Dee Myer gushes

Lest you miss her premise, her lap dog rhapsody begins with her thesis statement: 

Barack Obama is the most famous living person in the history of the world.

Knowing that cultural savants will immediately think of John Lennon’s infamous statement in 1966, “The Beatles are more popular than Jesus,” Myers dispels any grandiose comparisons between Obama and Jesus.

I’m not trying to induce an acid flashback to John Lennon’s infamous 1966 comment, “The Beatles are more popular than Jesus.” But whether you measure fame in terms of saturation or sheer numbers, it seems indisputable to me that more people know at least something about the new American president than anyone alive, at this point—or any—in the planet’s existence. 

My daughter asked me today to define “idolatry.” I responded, “Worshipping something or someone in the place of God, i.e., it is your god. It is the thing/person/idea that you think about most and shape your life around. If it isn’t God, then that thing/person/idea becomes your idol and, consequently, you commit idolatry.” 

I think Myers’s adulation of Barack Obama provides a fitting, albeit long-winded, example of such misguided reverence.


In my last post, I highlighted Barack Obama’s philosophy of governance, learned and implemented during his community organizing days in Chicago. “Rules for Radicals” (RR) by Saul Alinsky is Obama’s playbook. In order for his “plan” to succeed, he nudged the proverbial #13 ball down the hill last Friday by singling out Rush Limbaugh, a prominent voice of Conservatism. 

By attacking Rush, Obama utilized Alinsky’s RR Tactic 13:

Pick the target (Conservatism specifically and Republicans generally)

Freeze it (Why me? We are not the problem, it’s x, y, and z!)

Personalize it (Avoid abstracts, make it personal: Rush Limbaugh)

Polarize it (Get the Conservatives and Republicans to fight one another)

Polarize it.

Yesterday, it was Bill Bennett chastising Rush for his rhetoric against our new CinC. Today, it is the House GOP leadership telling Rush to zip it. Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., said:

“I think that our leadership, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, are taking the right approach,” Gingrey said. “I mean, it’s easy if you’re Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or even sometimes Newt Gingrich to stand back and throw bricks. You don’t have to try to do what’s best for your people and your party. You know you’re just on these talk shows and you’re living well and plus you stir up a bit of controversy and gin the base and that sort of that thing. But when it comes to true leadership, not that these people couldn’t be or wouldn’t be good leaders, they’re not in that position of John Boehner or Mitch McConnell.”

Limbaugh responded in an email to Politico:

“I’m sure he is doing his best but it does not appear to be good enough. He may not have noticed that the number of Republican colleagues he has in the House has dwindled. And they will dwindle more if he and his friends don’t show more leadership and effectiveness in battling the most left-wing agenda in modern history. And they won’t continue to lose because of me, but because of their relationship with the grassroots, which is hurting. Conservatives want leadership from those who claim to represent them. And we’ll know it when we see it.” 

Obama has achieved his objective. These cowardly Republicans have earned their bottom feeder approval ratings. Our elected officials are more concerned about getting a picture with The One and neglect their principles due to Obama’s intimidating approval ratings. And they wonder why Democrats are in power and the GOP base is revolting?

Obama’s attempts to divide Republicans have not gone unnoticed from those across the pond .

I’ll take “Get A Clue for the GOP Leadership for 100” Alex.


Smart move and humbling. Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga, just called into Rush Limbaugh’s show in the first hour to apologize for his comments yesterday, say he was wrong, and pledge his solidarity with Rush and Conservatives.

Barack Obama attacked Rush Limbaugh in a private meeting on Friday morning with House leadership. Many are scratching their heads and asking, “Why would Obama, the most powerful person in the world, attack Rush Limbaugh, a talk show host and clown*?”  

In order to understand the motives behind Obama’s actions, we must turn to “Rules for Radicals” (RR) by Saul Alinsky.** As a disciple of Alinsky, RR is Obama’s playbook and he’s using the Tactics (126-164) to a tee. I finally got my own copy (I was using my local library’s copy; hey, I live in Chicago so of course they’d have a copy!) and tore through it over the weekend.

When Obama attacked Rush on Friday, he combined a number of the Rules. Rush responded citing Rule 13:

Pick the target (Conservatism)

Freeze it (Why me? We are not the problem, it’s x, y, and z!)

Personalize it (Avoid abstracts, make it personal: Rush Limbaugh)

Polarize it (Everyone comes out in support of Rush or against him, e.g., Bill Bennett goes against Rush and others will speak out in like manner)

Obama’s attack on Rush, a private citizen, unelected official, and entrepreneur, actually combines a few of Alinsky’s “Tactics”: Rule 5 (Rush is Conservatism’s most potent weapon given his audience and the talk-show medium), Rule 6 (The Dems and Liberals LOVE it when Rush is ridiculed), Rule 8 (They are keeping the pressure on Conservatives, and Republicans to a lesser degree, with the assistance of the media (think Pitts and other “Conservative” editorials and Astroturfing via Axelrod).

Obama’s attempting to restructure power with the Cabinet and the Czars and it all comes from Alinsky–fascinating at his arrogant audacity and frightening in the scope of the potential damage he can render to our country. However, I think Obama has met his match.

Rule 13 says to “ridicule” the enemy, yet that plays right into Rush’s hand. Rush is the master at poking fun at others and getting his message across and Obama’s skin is too thin. For example, Rush opened his show today calling himself “Senator Limbaugh,” jabbed Obama and the spineless Republicans who won’t stand up to the tyrannical, bullying tactics of the Great Unifier. 


* This is projection by Leonard Pitts, Jr., who is the real clown.  

** In order to not contribute income to the Alinsky estate and the Vintage publishing company, consider buying a copy from a reseller.

Guilty by Ann Coulter


Where’s the dummkopf hat when you need it? Oh that’s right, it has permanent residency at NBC’s sister network MesSNBC.

Once again, Drudge gets the scoop.  NBC has banned Coulter for life. Their actions backfire and essentially proves the premise of  Coulter’s new book, Guilty: The MSM is a mouthpiece of liberal ideology and will silence any and all dissenting voices. 

“Over the top” or too close too home? Reality bites.


All is well. NBC saw the light and reneged its hours old “life-long ban” of AC. She’s booked for Wednesday morning on The Today Show in the first hour.

Obama was elected the 44th POTUS as a perfect example of the Peter principle. Now he wants to nominate political hack Leon Panetta to run the CIA. Frankly, nearly all of Obama’s Cabinet selections are case studies of the Peter principle, e.g., Hillary Clinton as Sec of State, Ken Salazaar as Sec of Interior, Bill Richardson as Sec of Commerce, Tom Daschle as Sec of HH Services, and Janet Napolitano as Sec of Homeland Security.  

Back to Panetta. Imagine putting Rove in as CIA director or Andrew Card or Rahm Emmanuel in a few years. Is the blurriness giving way to the focused absurdity of this pick? Just what we need: the further politicization of the CIA. The inevitability of another unwarranted and unwanted attack and/or international crisis involving our country becomes more of a reality with these buffoonish decisions. Gird your loins people, we have entered the Twilight Zone. 

On a side note — Does it bother anyone with the number of Senators being nominated to run the Executive Branch of our representative government? Anyone??? 

Via Hot Air Allahpundit notes opposition to The One’s questionable pick from fellow Dems Dianne Feinstein and Jay Rockefeller. Schadenfreudelicious.


The One is trying to calm the waters with Dianne Feinstein. Biden confesses that they made a “mistake” by not informing Feinstein, the incoming head of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Goodness, Obama isn’t sworn in and he continually makes junior Senator mistakes. One problem, he isn’t a junior senator from IL anymore, but POTUS. His blunders make national headlines (well, they should) and the repercussions go far beyond the Illinois state borders. 


Obama handpicked CNN’s medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General. A journalist for Surgeon General??? Red is yellow, black is white, and 1 + 1 = 3. It’s going to be a bizarre four years. 

One of the highlights on Gupta’s resume–in 2003, he was named one of PEOPLE magazine’s “Sexiest Men Alive.” Michelle Malkin asks, “What next? Judge Judy for the next Supreme Court opening?”

Granted, this decision comes with reservations.

Gupta’s only hesitation in taking the post is said to involve the financial impact on his pregnant wife and two children if he gives up his lucrative medical and journalistic careers. But he is expected to accept the position within days.

So he’ll be slumming for a couple of years making only six figures instead of seven or more. 

Rush is right: It’s a Giant Sitcom.

Lots happening in the Windy City. Blago isn’t the brightest bulb on the tree, but I gotta give him props for his chutzpah. The Democratic Party, the Chicago machine, and the MSM are throwing him under the bus and he’s fighting back. Until Monday? And poor Rahm is stuck in the middle. Boo-hoo. 

He is, after all, a Chicago politician. What’d you all expect–Hope and Change??? Joke’s on you. 

h/t Hot Air

Nobody says it better than Red Eye–the funniest, straight-talking (ha! no pun intended.) show on cable.


h/t Gateway Pundit

Michael Medved

The obvious question is “Why?” Why is Medved lecturing Rush and other “conservative” talk radio hosts on the content of their show and their approach? 

I listen to Michael Medved regularly and subscribe to his podcasts, mainly for his member exclusive commentaries. For the most part, I enjoy his show. He respectfully engages people who disagree with him on political issues (which I like) and he has interesting topics and guests. He is highly intelligent, almost to a fault. At times, he comes across as condescending and snooty, borderline elite. (He often reminds his audience of his educational pedigree and going to Yale with Hillary and Bill Clinton). He is a liberal turned conservative. I think his living in Seattle, a bastion of far-left liberalism, colors his perspective (think Stockholm Syndrome). 

Rush Limbaugh

Medved was the only conservative who supported and embraced John McCain for the Presidency from the beginning of the ’08 campaign. This is telling as his support for McCain discloses his moderate Republican leanings. Reading Medved’s recent editorial and listening to his subsequent commentary on his radio show exposes the fact that Medved doesn’t actually listen to Rush. If he did, he wouldn’t make the suggestions and statements about Rush that he does. But everyone knows that mentioning Limbaugh’s name gets media attention, which is why Medved does so. If Medved and Rush have ideological differences, then so be it. But Medved wants to redefine Conservatism with moderate principles and that puts him at odds with Rush. In my opinion, that is one of the chief reasons Medved takes aim at Rush, as well as Medved wanting to generate some traction for his position.  


h/t Hot Air

Yeah, right. The more “news” that spews forth from the O Camp and Democrats in general, the more I see a class system ala Imperial Rome. The politicians are the elites, the aristocracy, the ruling class. We are the plebs, the common people, the masses or hoi polloi

The list is long and will grow, but let’s look at two examples from today’s news that demonstrate this great divide. 

Case in Point #1:



 Caroline Kennedy is interested in replacing Hillary Clinton in her soon-to-be-vacant NY Senate seat. What political experience does Caroline Kennedy have other than being an attorney, an author, serving on various Boards, and some stump speeches for other candidates? None.

 BUT her last name is Kennedy.

Case in Point #2:

MCBH - Kailua Side

The Obamas will be vacationing in upscale Kailua on the island of Oahu for Christmas. Having lived on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay for two and a half years, which is a stone’s throw from Kailua, I am quite familiar with the area. Dumps in Kailua cost $750k. Anything in that area along Kailua beach is pricey, like millions pricey. To be sure, it is one of the most beautiful places on the earth. Kailua is on the windward side. Because it receives more rain than the leeward side of Honolulu, the lush beauty and the majestic Ko’olau mountain range are awe-inspiring. When it rains, spontaneous waterfalls cascade the mountains. It really is something to behold.

Kailua is the quintessential beach town–laid back and slow. Obama’s vacation digs will be relaxing and serene. He will be vacationing like a king. Somehow, I can’t imagine the locals being happy about the traffic jams he will cause since there are only a couple of main streets. Hopefully he won’t go anywhere or the locals will be stuck going nowhere fast. 

Hey, if Obama wants to vacation in one of the most expensive places in our country, knock yourself out! My problem is this: drop the class warfare rhetoric and stop pretending that you’re one of the common people. Common people don’t live in million dollar houses, complain about the price of arugula at Whole Foods, send their kids to an elementary school that costs $28k+ per year, or vacation in multi-million dollar beachfront homes in Hawaii no less. That isn’t common people livin’, but living like a king.  

An interesting tidbit to his getaway vacation spot: from his beachfront view and across the lagoon, he’ll see the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, home of the awesome Marines (one of the five military branches stationed on the islands). The above picture is one I took while living there. It’s a typical view from the Kailua side of MCBH, with the multi-million dollar oceanfront “civilian” properties of Kailua across the water in front of the Ko’olau mountains.

Come to think of it, I wonder if he’ll stop and visit the Marines since it is literally right around the corner. Doubt it. Not that the Marines care. They’re too busy defending freedom and keeping us all safe.

Jon Favreau, Obama speechwriter

Classy guy that Jon Favreau, newly appointed director of speech writing for Obama. The following picture of Favreau groping Hillary and his fellow “Obama Staff” buddy, seemingly giddy giving “Hillary” some beer, surfaced briefly on his Facebook. As Obama’s main speechwriter, does Favreau think posting this picture on Facebook will somehow go unnoticed? Yeah, riiiiight.

Feast your eyes on the “Grope and Change“: 

Jon Favreau, Loser


How long do you think it’ll be before the “immensely talented” wordsmith is checking the Classifieds? Any guesses? Answer: He gets a pardon! At least that is the Washington Post’s position. Moral equivalency makes all things justifiable.

Favreau is not the first campaign aide whose online presence has proved awkward. Last March, John McCain aide Soren Dayton forwarded an anti-Obama YouTube video to his private Twitter feed linking Obama with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, leading to his suspension from the campaign. And in 2007, two bloggers hired by former North Carolina senator John Edwards stepped down after blog posts they had written before he hired them became a subject of controversy.

Imagine the crime of posting an anti-Obama link to *gasp* Obama and Rev. Wright! From a McCain staffer no less!!! That’s another story.


Hmmm…..grumblings are trickling in from the ranks. Things are getting interesting as The One’s MSM cohorts grow edgy. The more Barry talks, the more he exposes his nothingness, and we witness the Peter principle in HD. 

Three press conferences in three days. Yowza! He’s like Superman. (Well, in his world he is.) And he’s sooo smart, ‘cuz you know, he went to those Ivy League schools and so did all the members of his team. What happens when Barry exhausts his talking points on the topic of the day? He talks about the really important issues: missing his Blackberry, Christmas shopping, the future First Puppy, and, drumroll please……turkey recipes!

Well, Dana Milbank (yes, of the MSM) gets indigestion and calls out Mr. B.O. for “talking B.S. turkey” and “running out of things to say.” Gasp! Is that possible? I thought the high-brow Ivy Leaguers never run out of important things to say. But what do I know, I went to a state college.

I’m sure VP-Elect Biden, who loves to hear himself talk, could help Barry out, but he seems to be, uh, mmm, well, sequestered unavailable.  

The funniest (you have to laugh at these things or you will be on the max dose of Prozac for the next four years constantly asking yourself, “How did this guy get elected?!???”) is when reporters go off-topic: “First of all, that’s not the topic.” Mr. Prez-Elect does not approve. Like I needed to tell you that. Watch for yourself: 

This exchange makes me chuckle. Obama interrupts Ed Henry from CNN whilst he’s submitting the second of this three-part question, and asks, “How many compound questions is this going to be?” Because dude, I can only handle one-part questions. Didn’t you get the memo?!?

Obama is such a tyrant; a megalomaniac enamored with this fictional messianic image of himself created by Axelrod and propped up by the media. Incidentally, a megalomaniac who thinks he’s the President already. These spectacle press conferences and weekly addresses look like an SNL skit. I’m waiting for Barry to say, “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”, but I digress.

I do not doubt that in time we will all see the emperor is not wearing any clothes. In time….Let’s just pray he doesn’t destroy our country and our families in the process.



The adulation and idolatry worship of the mere mortal messiah Barack Obama continues.




HUMANS: Check. Check


Already sealed: MOUNTAIN


Still working on it: B.O. NATIONAL HOLIDAY


Normally, accolades such as these occur after a person has performed well and actually done something. I guess just being “Barack Obama” is sufficient for his cult followers.

PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) rears its ugly head and the Left and the MSM city slickers are in a tizzy again courtesy of, guess who?: Sarah Palin! You’d think they were obsessed with her or something . . .

Doing what governors do prior to Thanksgiving, Governor Sarah Palin pardoned a turkey. While at the turkey farm, she gave an impromptu on-camera interview as the other not-so-fortunate gobblers were prepared in the background for our Thanksgiving feasts next week.  


This is outrageous because? Someone give these lefties and liberal MSM elites a clue. They wouldn’t be such blubbering hypocrites if they showed some outrage at the barbaric practice of abortion on demand and partial birth abortion. The beasts are these liberal idiots who will sound a clarion call to defend an animal, but not an innocent baby.

This pithy, sobering email comment from NRO sums up the Left’s outrage perfectly:

She should tell the media that she apologizes and she’ll do her next interview inside an abortion clinic. 

(h/t Power Line)

May 2024
